
Gideon at 6 weeks

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Prison Break

Last night, after FINALLY securing some sort of wall mounted cat-scaling system, Gideon was released from his bedroom suite prison and got to explore the rest of the house. He had a 15 minute head start while I took the three dogs for a walk so he could explore uninhibited and figure out some basic escape routes if need be, but fortunately they were not.

He'd already met Ahri and was drawn to her right away, seeing her as a friend. Ferguson (our eldest male greyhound), paid him absolutely no mind, just as they've been doing the whole time beyond Gideon's paw tapping on his legs. He simply laid on his bed and took a nap, ignoring the kittens enthusiastic exploration (which I think was good!). Because Winry can't do stairs right now, this was her first exposure to the kitten, so she was pretty interested. That said, she didn't whine and let him approach and paw at her feet; I think they'll be just fine as well with a few more repetitions and on-leash work.

The rest of his time was spent checking out every nook and cranny, running around like a maniac. He was so pleased to be free! But he also didn't object when he was re-confined to his room an hour later (we'll see how long that lasts!). This evening he should get about two to three times as long out and about, so we will see how he does!

My plan this evening is to bring up my ex-pen and line the balcony with it to help prevent any accidental falls as he becomes more comfortable with the space around him and dares to try new things. Additionally, I'll be rubbing vinegar on the outside of our cables within reach to him. He's not been a huge chewer, and should have many way more interesting things available to him, but certainly better safe than sorry.

More pictures to come soon!

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